Mario Lahoz
Jueves, 9 de mayo 2024
Georgia ha participado doce veces en el Festival de la Canción de Eurovisión. Su debut llega en la edición de 2007. En Eurovisión 2009, el país caucásico se retiró tras la petición de la UER (Unión Europea de Radiodifusión) de reescribir la canción que presentaban con muchas referencias a Putin.
Los georgianos han llegado a la final en siete ocasiones y en dos de ellas clasificó en el noveno puesto, la mejor posición nacional hasta ahora. La representante de Georgia en Eurovisión 2024 es Nutsa Buzaladze. La cantante y compositora ha participado en infinidad de concursos y programas musicales con mucho éxito.
La joven artista viene de protagonizar un dueto junto a Kylie Minogue en 'American Idol 2023'. Nutsa presenta 'Firefighter' para esta edición del festival. Georgia es uno de los veintiseis países que actúa el once de mayo en la final del concurso.
Esta es la letra y el videoclip de 'Firefighter':
I see it in the air, I see it in the air
I'm running through this ashes like a firefighter
Put out the fire, put out the fire.
Did we built empires just to watch them burn?
My heart's beating louder, I'm running like tigers.
No fear in my eyes though.
I will save this love.
The ceiling is falling, the windows are burning.
It's getting harder to breathe.
Can you hear me calling?
I see ashes falling.
I'm down on my knees
But I will save this love.
I see it in the air, I see it in the air.
I'm risign for these ashes like a phoenix, yeah.
You know I'll be there
You know that I'll be there.
I'm running through these ashes like a firefighter.
Put out the fire, put out the fire.
Put out the fire, put out the fire.
Put out the fire.
Come dance with the thunder.
Cause loves make us stronger.
We're not here forever.
So we can save this love?
From lovers to fighters
Oh, why do we do this?
We're meant to rise higher and higher and higher.
The ceiling is falling, the windows are burning.
It's getting harder to breathe.
Can you here me calling?
i see ashes falling, falling, falling.
I see it in the air, I see it in the air.
I'm rising from the ashes like a phoenix, yeah.
You know that I'll be there.
You know that I'll be there.
I'll be there, I'll be there.
I see it in the air, I see it in the air.
I'm rising from these ashes like a phoenix, yeah.
You know I'll be there.
You know that I'll be there.
We're running through these ashes like a firefighter.
I see it in the air, I see it in the air.
We're rising from these ashes like a phoenix, yeah.
You know I'll be there
You know that I'll be there.
We're rising from these ashes like a phoenix, yeah.
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